The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
safe for me to think, that's happening on this subject.
With respect, if you think the US govt has been captured by the scientific elite re climate change.....I would have to say that as an elite scientist, it certainly doesn't look like we are doing it right!
The fedl govt is, and has been controlled, by FF industry shills and climate change deniers. I think BHO was not, but he did ZERO during his 2 years with a sympathetic congress on the AGW subject. And since 2010...nothing doing.
I appreciate you making your precise feelings known. I will give you a precise response.
You have set too high a bar for proof and for action.
My analogy: a new for-profit school opens up in town. People sign up, attend classes, pay tuition and get certificates. A lot of money is being made, the teachers and students are spending money in town, the town is booming. A required course of study at this place...ARSON. How to burn down houses without leaving any evidence! The class is very popular, with a waiting list for more people to take it.
Of course, many people in town worry about this trend....should we try to stop that class from being taught? First, the school talks about academic freedom, and how ARSON is an essential (and popular) part of the curriculum. It is NOT possible to remove that course. And they say: what a bunch of worry-warts...its just a class after all. Purely theoretical. With a lab course.
And of course, houses in town were burning down before the school opened, and continue to burn down afterwards. In one mysterious case, of a big house burning down, everyone gets upset and claims that it must have been ARSON, no doubt attributable to one of the students at the arson school. And the people at the school point out that there is NO EVIDENCE of arson at all. And other people point out that OF COURSE there is no evidence, bc the course is about how to burn down houses without leaving evidence!
What should the town people do?
One bunch of very sensible/skeptical townspeople argue that perhaps we should WAIT, until we can see a **clear trend** in the number of houses burning down per year, before we shut down the school. Seems reasonable. But of course, that 'experiment' requires that a bunch of houses will burn down first, maybe people will get killed in those fires (if the hypothesis is correct). And of course, the school opened up 10 years ago, and there were in fact more fires in a few of those years than at any time in the town's history. And of course, some other years where their weren't. So one side argues about the fire years, the other about the quiet years. And a statistician does the math, and says that the number of fires DOES have a (statistically) significant uptrend. But most people don't care about stats or listen to her. And one of the school people points out that the fire years were during a time of drought, caused by a natural fluctuation, the weather, that the statistician did not take into account (when actually she did).
So, Doug, arguing that there is no evidence for more hurricanes from AGW is like the above. Hurricanes (and weather) are inarguably RANDOM phenomena and cannot EVER be causally associated with AGW, except on a statistical basis, probably requiring decades of data to pull out a significant signal.
And frankly, I don't care about hurricanes. I live 30 miles from salt water, at 500' above sea level.
And having read the primary literature, I am not convinced that AGW will cause more hurricanes. That is bc the primary literature does not yet agree on that subject. Some papers say more, some say not.
Its a red herring. You have picked a single issue that is untestable and about which there is no scientific consensus, even if ill informed meteorologists and journalists and celebrities will assert otherwise.
Regarding CO2 we know everything we need to know.
If you cherry pick, I can too: A grade schooler can blow bubbles with a straw, put the water on litmus paper, and do a science fair project that CO2 acidifies water. We can raise marine animals in acidified tanks, and see how they develop. And we can compute at current rates of CO2 emission when different outcomes occur. And it is not good.
The greenhouse effect heats the earth by more than 50°F, which was figured out more than a century ago, and is now a calculation that many HS kids do as part of their homework. I did in HS in the 1980s. CO2 is not the most important greenhouse gas, and the effect of adding more is sub-linear: doubling CO2 doesn't heat the earth by another 50°F. How much doubling CO2 will increase the earth temp is more like 2-4°F.
Is this really so implausible?
And 2-4°F is not good.
And doubling CO2 is already baked in. We are actually arguing about how to avoid tripling it or more.