@Tar12, I know you said you're not interested in 40 hour burn times, but then said you're looking for day to day consistency. I'd urge you to re-think this, as that super-low burn rate capability is exactly what permits you to use this heater over a much wider range of outdoor temperatures, than just about any other stove. I used to have to wait until it was below outside to burn my old stove in the newer (ca.1994) wing of my house, lest I'd overheat the space. Now, I can burn my BK on days when the daytime temperature is close to 60F, without any problems. I load it in the evening, burn it overnight at a higher rate, turn it down to "trickle" for the warm day, and back up (still on the same load) the following evening. You won't be doing that with any other brand.
That's fun, but to me the biggest advantage is the way the thermostat keeps output much more constant over the burn cycle. All wood stoves burn hot in the first few hours, and then taper off over a period almost twice as long as that initial hot burn. If you're there to raise the air control as it tapers off, then you can maintain more constant temperature, but I'm not retired or home all day. The BK thermostat does this for me automatically. So instead of having the house warm while I'm asleep or at work, just to have it cool off before I get home, the BK is there raising the air to keep temps up for my arrival home.
Just my thoughts from someone who owns two BK's, and previously three Jotul's.