About 2 weeks back I scratched my telescoping pipe while sliding it up and back down to inspect the chimney (I now use a mirror/flashlight through the bypass). Anyhow, I decided to fix the scratch on the pipe with Stove Bright flat black paint which is what Duravent says to use. I waited until the stove was cool and masked off the flue collar area and the stove surface so I didn't get the paint on the stovetop. I used 3M blue painters tape and covered the rest with newspapers.
Well, the pipe looks perfect now. However, now my stovetop is messed up from the painters tape. This is not residue from the tape - it does not wipe off. The tape actually pulled some paint off and it adhered to the back of the tape. Stove paint was cured per the directions it came with and I've been running it daily for a few weeks now.
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This adds to the marks I got on the surface when the paint peeled away and onto a steel tea kettle I tried using on the stove. I'm not sure how the durability of the BK paint (Crossroads) compares to other stove paints but so far I'm not impressed.
Just a word of caution to anyone else who needs to mask their stove off to paint the pipe.