I'm fine without the numbers, just use dots like the Princess insert than. I feel I'm a pretty typical user and as a newbie with this stove I found the range/numbers/letters very helpful. When I had my Lopi I had to say things to the wife like "pull the air control out until the second coil on the end of the handle is even with the edge of the ash lip while looking down." Yep, that's a lot easier than saying "put it on the n on normal". IIRC the WS IS has engraved markings on the ash lip, that looks pretty helpful too.
They obviously used the numbered labels for years, my stove was a 2006 build and has them. It seems odd that this is just starting to be a problem now. Sometimes it's better to educate the users of a product instead of getting rid of something that is helpful to people just to avoid some phone calls. The only people who are comparing are people on the internet, it's not like people know enough people in their real life that own BK stoves to compare their "numbers".
As I said earlier either way it's a non issue for me, my stove has numbers so myself and family members can continue to drive by numbers.