Minister of Fire
Swept the stove two nights ago. I had about a half gallon of creosote with the vast majority of it being at the top of the stack (25 feet total) where it is exposed to the elements. In my non-cat I have never had any creosote, pretty much just ash. It has a shorter stack and the stack has a little less exposed to the elements so all is not equal, but I do think the inefficient nature of the non-cats helps prevent creosote buildup. The higher stack temps just keep the junk from plating out.
Still, a quick sweep, really only a small job, and you are back in business. But I think running a Blaze King over some other stoves requires a bit more chimney attention.
But to me it is all worth it. I am constantly amazed at the performance. After 12 hours the thing is still just pounding out the heat! I have actually started to allow the ash to really build up deep as this reduces the firebox size enough which allows a shorter burn time a bit. This is better for 12 hour load cycles.
Still, a quick sweep, really only a small job, and you are back in business. But I think running a Blaze King over some other stoves requires a bit more chimney attention.
But to me it is all worth it. I am constantly amazed at the performance. After 12 hours the thing is still just pounding out the heat! I have actually started to allow the ash to really build up deep as this reduces the firebox size enough which allows a shorter burn time a bit. This is better for 12 hour load cycles.