Minister of Fire
Poindexter, odd question I know but at what temps can the average Alaskan be comfortable in a T-shirt?
I know my wife complains if it drops bellow 74*F in here but she is spoiled to the wood heat and there's nothing the electric furnace can do to keep her warm anymore. I would imagine after a brutal winter like you describe she would be thankful for 65*.
My wife puts on quilted snow pants and starts talking about moving someplace where the hunting and fishing isn't so good, at +60dF.
My limit for being out in it for any significant length of time is -30dF. There is nothing I need to do outdoors so badly that it can't wait until later. Just to run out to my truck and get it started, jeans and a tshirt in the driveway for 90 seconds, about -30dF. To shovel the driveway in jeans and a tshirt, about -10dF. To sit down outdoors and have a malted milkshake, about +20dF.
Before I could afford central air I was uncomfortably hot and sticky nine months out of the year in KY and NC.
I would say about +20dF for the "average Fairbanksan" I'd see a 5-50 mix of lightweight jackets v- short sleeve shirts.
I have half a cord of wood in the garage after doing my "one thing" outdoors today. Trying to work up the motivation to take house trash to the transfer station.