You would prolly be fine with the princess...King would be overkill is my thought.Hi all. Id like to ask you as BK owners a question, maybe two. I have been thinking about the princess ultra I live near Tracy, CA so it mild here. my house is just over 2100sqft I have a thread started about the specs. of my house in another area. Would i be crazy to install this stove? Any thoughts from owners would be great -pms or posting in the other thread i started (so my dumb questions do not over take this thread) would be welcome thank you in advance to those owners willing to share their input and expirences with me. Oh i guess I should point out that this would be my first wood stove
Do you know the heating degree days from last year?
Maybe you could tell us what you heat with and how much it may cost for a year?
The King is great heater but you will be dealing with a somewhat black glass on low burn.
Woodstock sells some nice soapstone stoves that seem to be able to keep the glass cleaner that might work and look nicer in your environment...just a thought.