
  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. B

    Leaky Stove

    Hi all, I’ve just moved into a new property that has an old and used wood burning stove, I have lit it twice and both times couldn’t see any visible smoke leaking but a few days after lighting the house smells of smoke. I put a smoke pellet in the stove to test and huge amounts of smoke were...
  2. P

    Leak in Tarm Solo Plus MKII firebox

    Hi! Need help!!! I have a Tarm Solo Plus MKII 140,000 btu, that developed a pinhole leak in the firebox yesterday. It’s on the back wall (of course🙄), about an inch up from the bottom. What do I do???? I just started looking online - one suggestion was to put a self-tapping screw with a...
  3. M

    Stove leaking water out of the bottom - Green Mountain 40

    Hi All, I'm hoping to get some guidance, as my wood stove has been doing something really strange lately. My stove (Hearthstone Green Mountain 40) drips a fairly significant amount of water out of the bottom of the stove only when I start a fire. It leaks a fair bit dripping out of a few spots...
  4. S

    Did my roofers mess up my chimney?

    Recently had my roof replaced and after the job my outer pipe for my chimney was off center, roofers said it wasn’t a problem but recently my chimney started leaking smoke into my house at the top near the ceiling. I’m trying to work with my roofers to resolve this but they don’t think that the...
  5. Z

    Wood stove leak detection w/vacuum

    Hey everyone, first year stove burner here with a VC Monteplier stove insert. Found myself a trick for detecting leaks around edges. Symptom that stove exhibiting is (what I consider) short burn time for a 2.6cu ft box. With ~20% MC red oak + birch, lasts about 6~8hrs from kindling to just...
  6. S

    Regency 3100 Wood Stove Insert

    I have a Regency wood stove fireplace insert that is about 10 years old. It was installed with a liner which I clean regularly. Performance has been very good but this year the stove burns hot even when the draft control is closed completely. I cleaned the flue and replaced the door gasket and...
  7. Johnald32

    Leaky (water and air) Chase - Victim of a Crappy Install or Crappy House?

    Going on my second year of owning a new KozyHeat Z42 zero clearance fireplace, and I'm having a few issues. One, when not burning, the room is clearly drafty and cold. Two, I've been noticing the "plink!" of water on top of the metal stove when it rains. A bit about the setup: the stove is...
  8. B

    Brick Chimney leak

    My brick chimney is leaking on the inside with heavy rains. In the picture seems like the obvious spot that it is leaking from. Would you all agree that this is the probablentry point for water? Also, what kind of sealant is best to use here? Thanks!
  9. M

    Fireplace flue - unusual blob

    Hi, We've got an unusual blob formed on the external wall of the chimney flue. Just wondering if you have seen anything like that before and know what it could be? The flue kit has been installed new in Sept-Oct 2015 Haven't touched it yet, as don't want to damage the flue any further just at...
  10. J

    How to remove double wall chimney pipe

    Hi all, our stove pipe runs single wall downstairs, then switches to double wall in the bedroom. I believe the double wall section in the bedroom has a leak. I can see creosote stains on a joint. How do I remove the stove pipe sections so that I can take a look. Do I just pull the locking rings...
  11. Chamel

    Blaze King Sirroco 30 Overfires when thermostate is above med/high.

    Hi everyone. I hope someone can help me here. I just bought a sirocco 30 this year and have been trying to learn how to use it the past few weeks. It's awesome getting 24 hour burns with even heat. But I have a few problems. I know your supposed to burn your fuel on high for 20 or 30 minutes to...
  12. zenoparadox

    hi300: leaky grill?

    (For the lexicographers in the audience who no doubt will feel the irrepressible urge to "correct" me: the OED gives "grill" as an alternate form of "grille". Regency uses both interchangeably. The manual says "grill". Their web site says "grille" in some places, "grill" in others.) We got a...
  13. G

    Noob - New Stove - Very bad smell! Help!

    We're in the SW of France, where the weather has turned and we've had an Arduro wood stove installed a couple weeks ago. We ran it on and off over a few days with all seeming to go well until yesterday morning, when we woke to a very strong smell in the house. I had a look at the stove and...
  14. Chamel

    Sirocco 30: Can I Burn With The Ash Channel Seal In Place?

    Hi everyone! I'm ready to break in my Sirocco as soon as cooler weather comes in (probably this weekend.) My only concern left is can I burn the stove with the ash channel seal in place? I can't seem to fine a definite answer to this. The stove came shipped with a metal bottom plate with four...
  15. B

    Jotul F3 CB Glass Air Leak

    I recently replaced the door and glass gaskets on my Jotul F3 CB. The Dollar bill test works great on the door, but not on the glass. The glass is held by two clips, one on each side of the glass. When I do the dollar bill test the glass is very tight on the sides, but it fails on the top an...