Cleaning the Stove

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New Member
Hearth Supporter
Dec 19, 2009
Central New Hampshire
Hi Pellet Mill and Corn Crib Forum,

I'm new to this forum so I thought I'd say hi. It is our second season with our pellet stove and we just love it. There is one thing I still can't figure out though. I've cleaned our stove lots of times and I actually find it kind of fun...except for the fact that I look like a chimney sweep after I'm done. I know you feel my pain and know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about fingernails so black that it takes three days for them to get clean. I use a Fuller Brush fingernail brush, warm soapy water and I've even tried the pellet stove glass cleaner that we use and it seems like the soot is embedded! Anyone have any tips? Any secret special soap concoction that they use? :) Just wondering. Happy cleaning!

3 minute denture cleaning tablets from wallyworld

Hi and Welcome to the forums. I really like the orange wipes that come in a tub. I got them at an auto parts store. I also like some of the waterless hand cleaners gojo is one. There is also a liguid lava soap and a soap called Solopol(has walnut shells in it) can't remember were I got them. But these all seem to work OK. Still have to rub and scrub a bit. But it comes off in one wash anyway.

Enjoy your stay with us.
I clean at least 3 stoves a day.
I use gojo Hand cleaner between jobs in the day to keep the heavy stuff off and also acts a a good moisturizer but when I take a shower I use Lava bar soap and a nail brush and scrub the crap out of my hands.
I normally cant get it all off. On the weekends with 2 showers a day the black under my nails are mostly off by Sunday (then my wife will let me touch her)

HosstheHermit: Thanks so much for your help! Denture Cleaning tablets! NO WAY! I'm going to try that right away :) I have some Polident stuff I used to clean my retainers with when I had braces so I'll try that tonight.

NH Jim: Great idea!! Thanks!

Jtakeman: Thanks for the warm welcome and the orange wipes tip. I love the smell of those and I'm going to pick some up!

hearthtools: You crack me up!!! Gotta get me some gojo!

Thanks so much! I felt silly posting about dirty fingernails but I always find myself saying "if you're wondering why my nails are so gross and dirty it's because I just cleaned the pellet stove" ;) You were all a great help and I got a good laugh too so thank you :)
Fast Orange with Pumice, Lowe's carries it. If you ever get covered with grease it'll take that off too.
The $ stores also have those cheepo gloves for $1, as long as I don't rip em up I can usually stay pretty clean.
peasoupme said:

HosstheHermit: Thanks so much for your help! Denture Cleaning tablets! NO WAY! I'm going to try that right away :) I have some Polident stuff I used to clean my retainers with when I had braces so I'll try that tonight.

NH Jim: Great idea!! Thanks!

Jtakeman: Thanks for the warm welcome and the orange wipes tip. I love the smell of those and I'm going to pick some up!

hearthtools: You crack me up!!! Gotta get me some gojo!

Thanks so much! I felt silly posting about dirty fingernails but I always find myself saying "if you're wondering why my nails are so gross and dirty it's because I just cleaned the pellet stove" ;) You were all a great help and I got a good laugh too so thank you :)
well you dont want dirty fingernails you know what kind of problems that can cause.
You're right! Dirty fingernails can cause all kinds of problems! :)
I'm with NH Jim on this one.....except that I graduated from surgical (latex) gloves to the blue nitrile gloves....they don't rip, and can be washed and re-used. Most chemicals have no effect on them either.

When I forget to wear them, I go with this stuff that I found out about through of THE best hand cleaners I ever used:

(broken link removed)
I barely get dirty cleaning my stove...

[] Cleaning the Stove
Welcome Amanda

I use Fast Orange and also "Permatex" hand cleaner. The permatex stuff sort of disolves the soot and moisturizes atth same time.
Also use gloves, roll up your sleeves and dont touch anything! :)
Topshelf said:
Welcome Amanda
roll up your sleeves and dont touch anything! :)

I now only ware dickies long sleeve shirts so I dont have to scrub my arms anymore.
I ware all black dickie pants and shirt so I have the Johny cash look.
[] Cleaning the Stove
Thanks for the tips everyone!! I'm definitely getting some of those gloves! :)
krooser said:
I barely get dirty cleaning my stove...

[] Cleaning the Stove

peasoupme said:

Hey PeaSoup, what are you laughing at? That's what Krooser really looks like after a day cleaning his stove and changing the oil on the big rig.
It really is a great picture! I love it! :)
Aw, that's's me after a long day tryin to clean mine, and the end results.


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I tried those cheap latex gloves, but like someone said they rip pretty easy. So my wife picked me up a XL pair of those dishwashing gloves. The ones that go up your forearm halfway. Works great! The palms and fingers are textured for gripping and the extra long protection up the arm really helps out keeping ya clean. Just my 2 cents.....gotta give credit to the ol' lady though. Gotta love gifts that make using the pellet stove matter how inexpensive it is! Happy Cleaning!!!
macman said:
Aw, that's's me after a long day tryin to clean mine, and the end results.
na that photo is from direct venting a pellet stove
bocephus said:
I tried those cheap latex gloves, but like someone said they rip pretty easy. So my wife picked me up a XL pair of those dishwashing gloves. The ones that go up your forearm halfway. Works great! The palms and fingers are textured for gripping and the extra long protection up the arm really helps out keeping ya clean. Just my 2 cents.....gotta give credit to the ol' lady though. Gotta love gifts that make using the pellet stove matter how inexpensive it is! Happy Cleaning!!!
she just wants your finger nails clean.
my favorite cleaning tool is a toss up- I have 3- first is my big, long, wooden handled burger flipper that I use to do a quick toss to the side of ash every half day or so, second is my "gasket scraper", a yellow plastic handled scraper about 14" long and about 3/4 inch wide at the blade- allows me to get in the corners of the burn pot and the mouth of the auger, and then my HEADLAMP! My 2 AA battery powered headlight follows my head when I am looking into that dark, black stove, with daylight or room lights on behind me. As far as gloves, I work in a hospital, and use whatever is being thrown out. No, not t he USED gloves.....
Merry Christmas to all of you! Our earth thanks you for even THINKING about her!
Bill W
Oooo! Good call with the headlamp and dish cleaning gloves! Why didn't I think of that?! In case you were all wondering, it's now day two and my fingernails are almost clean :) Last night soaked my hands in a bowl of Efferdent, and scrubbed them like crazy. I even skinned my knuckle yesterday cleaning the stove :(

Hey MacMan, I love your profile picture :) I used to watch the Three Stooges with my dad all the time when I was little.
I use Ajax orange dish liquid. cleans my hands really well
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