A 4" pipe on a 6" stove will not have enough volume on startup and will smoke back into the house. Draft measurement is only one part of the equation. You also have to have the correct volume.
I did not think sweeps/installers did calculations? You keep saying calculations are useless because there are too many variables to consider yet you site equations. The
Slkirk Chimney and Venting Sizing handbook is full of calculations and tables... Nobody uses them?
Why should key dampers be avoided??? If you are using it to bring draft into spec you would not have smoke spillage at all when you open the door.
Also the "magic EPA honeycomb thing" only works.
1 if there is one which many stoves don't have one.
2 if there is enough temp to keep that cat active.
Re: seasoned wood/magic combustor I was purposefully being obtuse... The default answer for creosote formation is always 'do not burn green wood'
How do you know a pipe smaller than 6in can not support stove startup? Given the weight given to real world experience over science, have you ever done a 5" install? Did it also include a key damper?
I'm not saying key dampers should be avoided. I'm saying they are:
- subject to user error
- not effective in controlling variable draft situations
- apparently can only solve slight overdraft situations
- compared to properly sizing the flue system from the onset, seems like a band-aid
Are you are saying a key damper is a set it and forget it device in your installations? Even fully closed, my key damper does not bring me in spec. That said, if I do not open it prior to door opening, I get smoke spillage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ok you can run what ever numbers you want but the fact is that it is not allowed because doing so has caused to many house fires and they determined it was unsafe.
Again your numbers don't take into account the thousands of variables that go into this. And actual real world experience tells us elevating the air intake carries to much risk.
My numbers are admittedly crude... I keep asking for smarter people than me to jump in and enhance them but the most logical player (
@BKVP) seems content sitting back. Your solution is to not use math at all and simply intuit everything from your years of experience?
I found
this excel sheet which addresses at least some of those thousands of missing variables...
So only things that cause instant death every time should be against code? What about possible death say 50% of the time? 10%? 5%? 1%?
I know as a professional if one of my installs cause a death I couldn't live with myself. Even without death the loss of a house is not something I am willing to risk for my customers.
Honestly this is exactly what I'm driving at and why this is so damn frustrating. MFG's have put all of the risk and liability squarely on your (installers/sweeps) shoulders... Anything YOU do to try and make the installation safe and functional is ILLEGAL! How does anyone square this? I'm looking at NFI, WETT, CSIA, National Sweep Guild etc. Hell, even the EPA. Aside from making money, why force certification under conditions that do not exist in the real world?
Are you comfortable with this liability? Is your local guild/CSIA/liability insurer/local fire marshal/local building inspector/federal judge? Why hasn't this alphabet soup of specials banded together and put this back on the powers that be (aka MFGs)?
So to summarize the current dialog:
<owner>: I have too much draft
<mfg>: follow the guidelines NOT in the manual. call a sweep. if you overfire the stove, the stove will break and you will die.
<sweep>: here is a key damper. Its illegal for you to use but its $8 and easy to install. Here is your invoice.
<owner>: But I still have too much draft
<mfg>: yep. Our engineers knew that would happen, we could help buuuuh we can't 'cause EPAss-ho... call your sweep.
<sweep>: you need more key damper
<owner>: But I have an insert and there isnt' any room for another key damper. What about a barome...
<sweep>: CREOSOTE

<owner>: but what if the pipe was sma...
<sweep>: Yer dumb. Here is your invoice. see you next year.