My little setter got stung by a yellow jacket about this time last year. It was on her ear one minute, and she dropped like a stone the next minute. Crapped herself and everything. We all thought she was dying, and I started trying to pour liquid Benedryl down her throat. She was out for a good five minutes, convulsing all the time. When she came to she was like a dishrag and I had to carry her into the house and lay down with her.
You know, she started acting real squirrely after that. Never put the two together until just a few months ago when we had to put her down. We just thought it was her age. I told the vet about it and she said there was likely some neurological damage that occurred. She got so she didn't even know her own name (just like her owner) and started to get aggressive. It was very sad, but we did the right thing and let her go.
Hope your dog is fine.
You know, she started acting real squirrely after that. Never put the two together until just a few months ago when we had to put her down. We just thought it was her age. I told the vet about it and she said there was likely some neurological damage that occurred. She got so she didn't even know her own name (just like her owner) and started to get aggressive. It was very sad, but we did the right thing and let her go.
Hope your dog is fine.