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The legs are standard legs, just the floor joints reflecting on the shinning enameled brown legs. In fact the enameled colors are a plus for the Hearthstone stoves. Maybe you were just joking me with the : see -throught legs ???????????
Yes we were joking around about see through legs but look at the picture closely. They messed up on the photoshopping of the stove. You can see the grout lines through the legs. All the other pictures are normal.
Hi my Ontario friend. Yes that is a serious question. Usually, my insurance compagnys don't even ask if the stove is UL or ULC, complient., worst, this year I changed my insurance for an other compagny and they asked me to have the Heritage 2020 inspected. They asked that the glass to be check by a stove specialist to make shure the glass was safe and original, the inspector thought that the side loading door should have a glass in it, just to show how they can be .....I had a Sunnyside 1874 coal (anthracite) stove and a Golden Bride 1905 coal stove and no insurer cared about the EPA regulation for them (LOL), seriously they were more confortable with these old stoves than with a 2020 wood stove ...
The UL is a national recognized registration, if buying old stoves without any registration and no question from the insurer, I imaginated it would/could be OK ??? From all the researches I did on the UL and ULC, I thought it could be correct, I hesitate to ask to the insurer their opinion based on what I wrote here for the heritage's glass... Thanks
From what part of Ontario are you?
Yes we were joking around about see through legs but look at the picture closely. They messed up on the photoshopping of the stove. You can see the grout lines through the legs. All the other pictures are normal.
It's not very safe to joke with Canadians, .......LOL.
Curiously, I have the 2020 Hearthstone catalog and the legs are not like on your photo and they are not see throught ones ???
Maybe but just a Canadian joke ! During the very sad time all around the planet, I thought that a little change could be acceted but l apologize for it.
Hrarthstone is getting rid of the non 2020 EPA stoves like the Tribute, Heritage non cat., Homestead, Mansfield, Equinox. Those are very rare to find around here now.
Thanks barnaclebob, good for you to be able to have hot stove and be OK. For my case, the stove would have to idle at about 300/350, the space is about 725 S/f but the house has 3 floors with that S/f, the furnace air handler runs 24/24 and it could helps to move the hot air.
All of the experiences I've read about trying to use an air handler to move hot air around a house haven't had good results. Furnaces work because they send probably 120 degree air around a house. Recirculating 80 degree air wont have the same effect.
The ash pan on the PH is great. I have no complaints about it, well worth the upgrade.
The glass isn't too hard to clean from the side door and depending on how and what you burn it may not need to be cleaned very often. I think i cleaned mine maybe once this year. If you have a hot fire that will typically burn the black soot off anyway.
My heated area is about 2000sq ft but most of the time I have the upstairs bedroom doors and the spare room on the first floor closed so normally im heating about 1000sq ft. The house is moderately leaky. It can get pretty warm sometimes but if so, I'll just open the bedroom doors. The main stove room is about 400sq ft.
Air distribution in a house is something hard to get perfect to say so. For my house, after many good and bad results, now the temperature is about one degre different on the 3 levels. The main floor is about 1 to 2 degres higer than in the basement and in the second floor. Air handler plus some others air circulation.
Thanks and salutations from Québec