Do you normally sell firewood?
Short answer yes, long answer is my intention was to sell a bit but not at this scale the sequence is as follows.
I used to sell a couple cord to my neighbor but he passed away three years ago, then I got started on trying to get ahead 3-5 year plan.
My son-in-laws father inquired about buying some a couple years ago, he isn’t comfortable running saws much anymore: 4 cord a year. He comes & gets his, usually loads it himself: 1/2 cord a trip.
Then I had an uncle give some folks my number they were looking for firewood, they have been buying 3-4 cord year over the last 2 years, These folks just buy 1/2 cord a time, deliver & stack.
They gave their neighbor my number 1-1/2 cord this last winter. This guy buys 1/2 cord at a time. Deliver & stack.
One of my brothers friends called wanting some firewood: 2 cords this winter. This fella brings his trailer by & gets a cord @ a time.
A fella I know saw me with a load in the pickup last year & inquired, 5-cord over the last two years. 3 cord last year, 2 cord this year. Deliver & dump
My sister-in-law has gotten 1/2 cord year each of the last two years. Deliver
My sister has/will get 1/2 cord each year.
A cousin has bought 1/2 cord each of the last 2 years. It’s delivered.
And some miscellaneous firewood sales.
I have sold about 15 cord this winter, I fully expect some of them to back off or try to get it somewhere else next season as I am upping the cost by $50 -$75 cord for next year. None of the people that buy wood from me understands about dry wood no matter how much I ramble & babble on about it. My sister is starting to, most think cut in the spring burn in the fall.
All this Ash is blessing as some of it will be ready this fall. If I continue at this rate a bigger/faster splitter is definitely in the cards for me. Help is hard to come by as my nieces are always busy & my nephews are just too lazy.