I have a Alaskan Chainsaw Mill (36 inch) with the auxiliary oiler that runs down near the end of the bar, I use veggie oil for that.I get plenty of breaks between cuts from adjusting the log beds or whatever. I wasn't worrying about speed today and could have turned the saw off while making adjustments and stuff. The reason for having one end higher than the other is because you get a lot of waste otherwise, at least that's what I discovered. They really weren't that sharp to start with, so anything is an improvement. I wish I had known a 25" bar would fit the bar nose steering a little better, I wouldn't have gotten the 24" if I had known better. I do have a 28" bar and cross cutting chain, but I might get a few extra 28" loops to convert to ripping chains for 24" diameter logs (mfg listed max log size).
This isn't my setup but the auxiliary oiler is the same.