Work Done 2025

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Got Frigid temps coming this week. Cleaned out the insert and Myra. All set for full on burn mode. Also refilled the wood wagon.
Got the rounds the neighbor left out split. They were much bigger in diameter then I thought. Too big for our splitter. We used a wedge and sledge hammer to split them in half first and then used the splitter. Added to the one rack to get it completely full and then have a pile of splits that have no home as of yet. I will have to rejigger some of the racks.

I set up the stove for Wednesdays cold temps. Tomorrow I need to fill the deck wood rack up as it is empty.

[] Work Done 2025

[] Work Done 2025

[] Work Done 2025
I spent 4 hrs splitting oak.
Made some big blocks. How long do you think these need drying to be below 20%?

The wheelbarrow is smaller stuff for the neighbors (they got 3 so far but will end up with a cord and a half I think).


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Just for fun..I have similar maple ones that are good to go but I'll use them next year I think.
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The maple (I measured it when I split it, and I weighed it, so I know the starting moisture content and can deduce what it is by weighing) only took 3 years for 9x9 inch x18inch.
But oak being oak I was thinking to just play it safe and do 5 years. But if someone has done this before, I'd be interested.
No bark, all split edges should help some. I didn't want to say 6-7 because some guys say they can season oak in 1-2 years and would blast me...
I was just poking at ya...LOL
The maple (I measured it when I split it, and I weighed it, so I know the starting moisture content and can deduce what it is by weighing) only took 3 years for 9x9 inch x18inch.
But oak being oak I was thinking to just play it safe and do 5 years. But if someone has done this before, I'd be interested.
Left on top of your stacks may help....
Have you considered solar kiln? I'd bet with this you may be GTG in a year.
Nah, I'm good for the next two years. Not going to mess with a solar kiln.
I had previously borrowed my father in laws trailer to bring home the last haul of wood some weeks ago. I had left about a cord in the trailer. I had planned on backing it into the backyard to unload it but the weather has not cooperated. Got a call this morning from my father in law saying my brother in law needs the trailer tomorrow and gave him no notice 🤦🏻‍♂️. So froze my butt off today moving all that wood by wheelbarrow and stacking it. Had to move it about 125 feet. Front and back yard are giant skating rinks. Kept it interesting. On the plus side less work I have to do later


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I got all the wood rejiggered on the racks. I emptied one rack and used that wood to fill the rack on our deck. It didn't all fit so some splits went on other racks which weren't completely full. I then stacked the freshly split wood on the empty rack. That will be it for a while as we do not have any more room or racks. But there is still a ton of wood rounds that the neighbor has out at the road.

[] Work Done 2025

[] Work Done 2025
Rounds (halved) on 2x4s is a decent way to store until you can split more. (Unless it's birch which will rot quickly if in round.)
Rounds (halved) on 2x4s is a decent way to store until you can split more. (Unless it's birch which will rot quickly if in round.)
That's good to know. Do they have to be covered? How long can they sit before getting rotted? I will have to talk the husband into it. If it were up to me we would have more racks on the back side of the house but that would require hauling up hill. Not much flat land around when your house is basically into the side of a mountain.
That's good to know. Do they have to be covered? How long can they sit before getting rotted? I will have to talk the husband into it. If it were up to me we would have more racks on the back side of the house but that would require hauling up hill. Not much flat land around when your house is basically into the side of a mountain.
Stack another alongside each existing stack.
I don't blame the hubby for not hauling uphill....especially if ya don't have to.
That's good to know. Do they have to be covered? How long can they sit before getting rotted? I will have to talk the husband into it. If it were up to me we would have more racks on the back side of the house but that would require hauling up hill. Not much flat land around when your house is basically into the side of a mountain.
If uncovered and off the ground, I know that one year is fine, especially if split in half or quartered. The sapwood under the bark may get a little affected but that is not a concern I think.
If they were dead already, take off the bark (easier when they were dead).

Why I don't know more than a year? Because I never had a load olof trunks of more than than two years of my usage. I.e. refill the racks next year after burning season with the half-rounds you have on those 2x4s.
I spent three hours behind the snowblower, I did get a bunch of trails done for the wife and the dog in certain areas I can't take the tractor. I was drenched when I came in but the wife needed more clothes so she could wash another load so the timing was pretty good. I opened up a trail to some firewood, it looks like we have some yellow birch coming in when we put in the next load of wood.

Tomorrow I'll probably use the tractor, hopefully the weather tomorrow is like today. I plan on moving a bunch of snow from different areas around the house but especially off the driveway.