good news. i put an ad on craigslist for my old trailer, described it in detail , had pics galore and sold it in 3hours after posting for 200$ ! hah. i only bought it for 100$ if you guys remember. its the trailer that started this post that you guys said to trash it. well, this guy was in love with the torsion axle and paid right away. heres the pic to refresh
ill miss that axle though. kinda neat. anyways, were supposed to get a decent thaw in about 5 days , ill get to the wiring then.
i need to get a good welder, though im limited to 115v outlets. i dont really wanna run 220v right now. ive heard you can only do 3/16" thick steel and lower with an arc welder thats 115v standard. that true?
the steel stakes for the trailer i want to weld on are 1/4" thick.... about the only thing ill ever do that thick probably.
any suggestions as to what welder to get?
wire feed or stick? maybe mig? it mostly be for small projects like this, or maybe to fix a 4 wheeler or something.
my knowledge is limited but im a fast learner and master things quickly so i dont really want a toy. my buddy works at lincoln electric, its about 20min from my house, so ill probably get one from him or craigslist.
ill probably make a separate post on here see if anyone has any suggestions.
thanks in advance!