Bigg_Redd said:Get yourself a Fiskars and hit that pile 20 minutes at a time. It'll be gone before you know it.
That is my way of splitting, has been since I bought this house ( 15 years ). When I was younger me and my brothers took turns until we were done with the pile. I have the fiskars and and a maul, I usually reach for the maul. I also bought a splitter this year and used it to do my dad's wood and then about a cord of my own. I have over 2 cords of red oak outside that needs splitting and I think I am going to use the maul and fiskars because I like the work.
I bought the splitter because my dad wanted to buy one ( he is 75 ), so I just bought it and told him he can use it anytime. When he uses it, it comes with my help.