Wood Score

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Feeling the Heat
Got my first wood score delivered today.

Last month I had a local tree service take down a few trees that were too close to my house. Two hickory, two pine and trimmed back an oak.

Owner told me he is always trying to get rid of wood from jobs he’s on. Surprisingly he said most people do not want to keep the wood.

He dropped off this load of oak today. Hard to gauge how much it will yield split and stacked. Maybe 2 cords I’m thinking. Free delivered wood is free delivered wood.

[Hearth.com] Wood Score [Hearth.com] Wood Score [Hearth.com] Wood Score [Hearth.com] Wood Score

I don't think it's two cords though. But it is nice wood, straight.
It's the best! Cut down, brush removed, and delivered to you. Don't get much better!
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Beautiful wood! My eyeball from here guesses that will turn into about half a cord of wood once it's processed, maybe a little more. Still, that's probably the equal to a cord or so of the wood I can get here, and you didn't have to limb, burn, etc. Nice deal.

I was walking today, and noticed that the drift cuts on my road are still about shoulder high, so it'll be a while before I shift from burning mode to accumulating mode!
Fresh cut, rot free oak, delivered! That is a beautiful sight.
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Nice! It's always very satisfying to score free firewood logs. Good size to work with is a bonus. Congrats.
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Cord 4'x4'x8'. Are those around 10' lengths?
if so maybe it could be around 1 cord?
Prefect score. I'd estimate a touch over 1 cord. For reference this is about 2.5 cords of girthy red oak. The bigger rounds weigh hundreds of lbs:

[Hearth.com] Wood Score

[Hearth.com] Wood Score
  • Wow
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I’ve been splitting some red oak about that size. Yeah those rounds are freaking heavy. But they split very nice. And they smell great.
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That big oak splits easier than that damn 11 inch dry locust I was splitting the other day with the Boss.
That big oak splits easier than that damn 11 inch dry locust I was splitting the other day with the Boss.

Oh yeah absolutely. The hard part is getting the maul in the round on the first swing, it wants to just bounce off like you're hitting a tire. Once it's in though a few whacks with the sledge takes care of business. After you get the big rounds split in half you can chisel off perfect pieces every time with minimal effort.
Oh yeah absolutely. The hard part is getting the maul in the round on the first swing, it wants to just bounce off like you're hitting a tire. Once it's in though a few whacks with the sledge takes care of business. After you get the big rounds split in half you can chisel off perfect pieces every time with minimal effort.
For me its easier to work around the edges first chunking off outside pieces. When its smaller then go for splitting in half if there is a natural crack to hit.
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Ended up being about 1 1/2 cords. I cut everything to 20” and each one of the bays in the below photo is 8’ long and 8’ high.
I’ve got the one bay completely full plus a little of the one in front. I also have the top 1/4 of the bay behind (that you can’t see in this photo) filled with this delivery too.

[Hearth.com] Wood Score