I just bought a Proster MT10 Wood moisture meter, and am pulling some wood from my outdoor woood pile inside. I'm trying to aim for the wood that is burnable, and will leave the too wet wood outside for another year.
The moisture meter has 4 settings for types of wood:
- Teak - Afrormasia - Walnut
- White Poplar - Keruing
- Ash - Elm - Lauan
- Basswood - Larch - Pine
My woodpile has almost none of these species in them. Elms are dead and I have no softwood. I have maple, oak, occasional birch, occasional ash (another dying species) and a mix of other Northeastern/New England hardwood. Which category should I test these on? I can err on the side of caution and use the setting for the hardest wood, perhaps, if that makes the most sense.
The moisture meter has 4 settings for types of wood:
- Teak - Afrormasia - Walnut
- White Poplar - Keruing
- Ash - Elm - Lauan
- Basswood - Larch - Pine
My woodpile has almost none of these species in them. Elms are dead and I have no softwood. I have maple, oak, occasional birch, occasional ash (another dying species) and a mix of other Northeastern/New England hardwood. Which category should I test these on? I can err on the side of caution and use the setting for the hardest wood, perhaps, if that makes the most sense.