Wood insert price?

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Hearth Supporter
Oct 30, 2009
SW Idaho
Howdy guys, I am new here and need an opinion about the price of a wood burning insert.
I recently got bids on two different wood inserts.

The first was for a Pacific Energy midsize, when the guy came and measured my fireplace he estimated about $2900. He just brought a NON itemized written bid by my house and it was for $3971. Whoa!!! I asked why so much higher and he said because he had to have four guys help him move it. OK If each guy worked for 8 hours that means that they are paying over 25 bucks an hour. Yea right. I am rather suspicious of the non itemized bid but tell me what you think.

The second bid was for a Quadrafire 3100 insert.
Chimney Liner-550
Hearth Pad Extension-100

I expected a higher bid from the Quad because they and Blazeking are the only ones that have name brand recognition in my estimation. I am starting to feel like I am being gouged on my bids because of the guv-ment rebate deal.
I thought I could get a good set up for about $3000, am I just dreaming or what?
If anyone has any connections for Idaho or E. Oregon please let me know. This is kind of driving me nuts because it was really hard to get these guys to come give me bids, the one retailer that is "big" in the area still has not even called me back from three weeks ago.
OK, thanks for the info guys...
This is peak season, not a great time to buy a stove if one is shopping for bargains. The stove quotes do seem a bit high, but the installation & liner fees don't seem exceptional.

An alternative might be to buy it separately and hire a good local certified sweep to do the installation. The insert in Bellingham is running about 2K.

(broken link removed to http://www.chimneysweeponline.com/pacsupins.htm)
why would you feel 25 an hr for labor is high. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think either bid for a quaility insert is in line. You will probably get you investment back in 3 or 4 years, depending on how you get your wood and the amount you will use the new heater. I have $3300 in the F-500 and class A, and I did the install myself
Agree with BG. Don't know about the stove but all else seems right in line.
In my opinion that's nuts. But then again I can't stand paying someone to do something I know I'll do better myself. and 4 guys at 25 bucks an hour to move a wood stove?? umm nooooooo
I moved my stove myself and it weighs 320. No, I don't enter strong man competitions on the side.
Hanko said:
why would you feel 25 an hr for labor is high. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think either bid for a quaility insert is in line. You will probably get you investment back in 3 or 4 years, depending on how you get your wood and the amount you will use the new heater. I have $3300 in the F-500 and class A, and I did the install myself
I dont have a problem with $25 an hour, but I dont think it will take 4 guys 8 hours a piece to put in an insert. This is Idaho and the actuall wages paid for this type of work are probably 10-15 an hour unless they have illegals doing it and then its more like 7-12 an hour. I am highly suspicious of a guy who says "Ijust bid a job like yours a couple weeks ago and it was $2900" then when the actuall bid comes in its $3900.
your bid you posted said labor $450 that doesnt come to 4 guys 8 hrs ea, at 25 an hr.
It definitely does not take 4 guys to move an insert. Two with common sense and knowledge of simple tools and leverage can do it. I removed our insert of equal weight by myself with help from my son. So trust your intuition and move on.
I agree with that. My son and i moved the oslo off the trailer, in the house and on the pad with a frig dolly.
wazzu said:
The second bid was for a Quadrafire 3100 insert.
Chimney Liner-550
Hearth Pad Extension-100

That sounds right on the money. $450 for labor is VERY, VERY REASONABlE. I was quoted $800 for my liner install, but mine was insulated. They might be charging you a little bit here, but I can attest that the liner install is a lot harder (and more can go wrong) than the stove install.

If you going to expect service after the sale, or someone to back their work, someone has to make money. I did my own install, and it still cost me close to $3,000.

Lopi Freedom insert.
15' liner w/insulation.
Cap, collar, and elbow.

The only reason I could justify it was A.) I have trees hanging over my house that were going to be cut down anyway (about 10 cord) B.) Promises of sweet luv by the fire if I could get the house warmer than 65 degrees!
My install for the PE Vista was about $4,500 here in expensive Eastern Mass. About $2,000 for the stove (with the optional gold door and trim), $750 for the liner and $750 for the install. I have a 2-story house, don't like heights and didn't want to do the install myself.
I think that expecting to pay exactly what the business owner pays his staff is wrong. Go get guys at the train station or where ever they congregate by you. The business owner has to pay additional money to keep the guys, maybe benefits ? taxes, vehicles, etc. And the business owner deserves a little money for having the people come to your house. Regardless of if he uses 2 or 8 people you need to look at the job done and cost and weigh that.

The red flag for me is the guy saying it takes 4 people to move the insert. That's nonsense. Two people can do it with ease - I've moved a PE Pacific insert as well as Napolean 1150 free-standing stove with just one other person.
Hurricane said:
I think that expecting to pay exactly what the business owner pays his staff is wrong. Go get guys at the train station or where ever they congregate by you. The business owner has to pay additional money to keep the guys, maybe benefits ? taxes, vehicles, etc. And the business owner deserves a little money for having the people come to your house. Regardless of if he uses 2 or 8 people you need to look at the job done and cost and weigh that.


Im glad some one here has a clue. still wondering about the 4 guys 8 hrs ea, total labor $450, hmmmm
It should never take 4 guys to move an insert, that alone should give you a bad signal. On the other hand, we will our employees time to customers not based on what we pay our guys, but what we pay our guys, plus payroll expenses and a profit. We bill $65 per hour per man. For an insert, I figure 2 guys 5 hours, $650 labor.

If you think that sounds high, try running a fireplace shop ;)
Only price that seems high is the price of the unit....all other costs look reasonable.
Although the install prices sound in line.
I would find an insert you like, and install it yourself. With the help of a friend.
Its really not that hard. One day saved me $1000.00 in installation charges.
The good folks here will help with any questions.

A friend and i unloaded my insert from my truck, dollied it inside and lifted it up to the hearth, just the two of us.

I'm in $850 for the insert and a shade under $400 for the liner so $1250 so far. I still need two or three bags of thermix and to tile the floor around the insert but it'll still be well under $2k all in.

Last year we spent over $700/m on propane for the coldest three months. I'm sure we'll still need the propane boiler to kick in early in the morning and when I'm out but we're saving coin already. I should've done this as soon as we bought the place.
I have contacted a couple other installers today. Maybe their prices will be better. I just dont think I need to pay somone almost $2000 on top of the price of a stove to get a liner and have it installed. I found a place today that will sell me a Quad 3100 insert for $2200-2300, now I just have to find sombody to do the liner and install for a REASONABLE price. I really dont want to tackle this project myself but I just might have to in order to keep from getting ripped off.
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