My thought too Scotty. That is amazing wood. What is Box Elder's range? Have never seen any. Does it grow in Southern Ontario?
Mulberry...hedge...osage Box elder. What IS hedge, by the way? To me hedge = privet, and I KNOW that isn't the sunject of everyone's discussion.
It sure does grow in S. Ontario. Like a friggin' weed where I grew up (Oshawa area). It's called Manitoba Maple north of the border and is actually a Maple. You have seen it, you just didn't know
I think there is some Mulberry way south like on the Niagara Peninsula and London/Windsor area. Not much I don't think.
I remember seeing a big Hedge/Osage Orange tree on the campus of Brock University in St. Catherines. Didn't know what it was then, but the fruit is unmistakable.