hi all, just wanted to share a few things:
The requirement that a Fröling boiler can only be purchased through select, trained dealers has nothing to do with the installation requirements of the boiler. Like any boiler it has to be put together correctly, of course, and the programming on the control panel requires a thorough read of the manual. However, none of this is beyond a competent heating contractor. The trained dealer requirement is one imposed on us by Fröling.
Their experience, and ours, is that the vast majority of times there is a problem with a boiler not operating correctly or as expected, it comes back to an installation error. We have lots of drawings that are available on our web site and are included with every boiler's manual. These drawings have been worked out over many years and, while we are always interested in improving them, we know they work. Despite this, contractors frequently second guess or misread the drawings:
"there's something wrong with the boiler you sold me"
"which drawing did you follow?"
"Solo 2 from page 61 of the manual"
"OK, is the ball valve labeled 'I' on the drawing part way closed"
"ummm...which ball valve is that?"
"the one just above the Termovar valve"
"umm...thermo - what?"
And so it goes.
Fröling is new to this market and is very concerned about maintaining the value of their brand and their reputation. By requiring dealers to receive training prior to selling and installing the boilers the "something's wrong with your boiler" conversations are kept to a minimum and, more importantly the end user has a positive experience. So, as a sales guy it hurts me to limit our sales this way, but as far as long term benefit to Fröling, BHUSA and the end user, it is surely the right way to go. A more conservative approach than some might take, but a style that's served us well for thirty years.
Second, Gooserider, you are right that our manuals are not available on line. They are all about 75 pages with lots of photos and images so files are pretty big. At each boilers web page, however, you can download a six page "Boiler Data Sheet" that gives you the most pertinent information regarding specs. As well you can download our plumbing schematics to allow you to choose the most appropriate approach for your particular situation. Lastly, if someone wants a copy of the manual we can email the file or sell them a hard copy for $20.00.
hope this clarifies some things. Best from Lyme, Chris.