Thanks to those who have responded - I think I have a couple ways to proceed with this thanks to some input.
One lesson I learned by reviewing the threads for other home brewed rigs (here and all over the net) is that people type "I wish I would have" quite a bit - so I'm mindful of that.
The first stage is to prototype and get a base line so I'm going to build a disposable (non-pressurized) water jacket style downdraft gassifier from boiler plate and cheap materials. I have enough on hand to complete several if need be. The goal here is to enable testing of modular secondary burn chamber castings in such a way that I garner some insight into what happens in the primary and secondary chambers when I start drawing off unburnt gas from the primary. This will be a very basic downdraft design with manual controls -I already have a firetube heat exchanger of about the right size that I used for testing the ability to draw heat from the exhaust gas of a stationary diesel.. reuse reuse reuse and only then recycle right?.... My prototype needs to last a couple months
As to the riddle of drawing off unburnt gas I'm going to test several approaches such as;
cast ceramic pipe to existing style ceramic nozzle - test coming though the side and the bottom
self cleaning cast ceramic slide valving - embedded sliding ceramic plates within the bottom primary chamber ceramics to redirect gas flow
a balanced vacuum approach where I try and suck wood gas from rear bottom of the primary chamber using either/or mechanical engine vacuum or induced vacuum
I'll be doing a lot of casting by the looks of things so thanks in advance to my neighbour T. for the unrestricted use of her kiln and expertise until the project is over.
I'll reuse my cyclone and filter system from the modified Imbert gassifier for drawn off wood gas. Since I built it all to be modular, it's the least hassle (if it works of course) and will give me an honest/reasonable/reproducible/comparable measure of what kind of product I get out of it vs the traditional gassification unit.
Like usual, I'll build it all on one of the dual axle open bed trailers so I can work on it indoors (it's really cold here) and then cart it away from humanity before the explosions (oops- I meant test firings) burn down the shop. I'll likely start in three weeks for the prototype, I'm doing extensive and much needed repairs in my Dad's rentals at the moment.
Kudos to a certain data centric member for demonstrating the need to measure more accurately in my prototyping that I had intended to. Experience is great, data is easier to transfer.
Anyone have any ideas on checking the atmospheric pressure in/at different points in the secondary chamber and firetubes? My concern of course is the heat would pretty much eat any standard instrument alive....
I also have hopes this prototyping leads to the ability to do some materials testing of various ceramic products... has anyone ever done any business with these guys?
The flexible ceramic products look very interesting....