I currently scrounge but see a day in my not far future where I'll start buying log loads. Ever since I jacked my back up(microdiscectomy last July) and have spondylolisthesis I keep thinking a log load would be easiest. I have saws, a splitter, truck and a trailer(16'x7'x24") that holds nearly 2 cords of wood but on a good day after it's filled with a cord or so I'm good.(even before the back) Cutting, splitting and rolling rounds around is no problem but I refuse to lift any of the big rounds anymore. They either get split or I get help lifting. I've become pretty picky with the stuff I go after and may have just lined up a "job" cleaning up a fence row so life "could" be good for a while after that.
If I had to burn as much as you I'd be supplementing with purchased wood. It takes enough time to scrounge up 4-5 cords a year I have no interest in 8.
If I had to burn as much as you I'd be supplementing with purchased wood. It takes enough time to scrounge up 4-5 cords a year I have no interest in 8.