oldspark said:
firefighterjake said:
Never bothered figuring out wind direction and positioning the stacks to catch the winds just right . . . I just split and stack and give 'em time . . . works for me.
+1 Not sure what it is about drying wood that brings out weird ideas, the one about spraying water on wood to quicken the drying time just about tops them all.
I think it comes mostly from being a newbie (like me) and grabbing at ideas to get that first season's wood dried. Even more urgency may be seen in people who have burned their first season's worth of wood and experienced how poorly the unseasoned wood performed. Time is something that no one can manipulate but stack density (how many rows side-by-side in a stack), tightness of stacking, position of stack to prevailing wind, raising stack up off of ground, covering top of stack, etc., can all be manipulated. Then steps in the crazy ideas where someone tries something new (or old). Folks thought Orville and Wilbur were kinda strange.
Myself, I've toyed with the idea of building a small post structure to experiment with solar kilns...nothing like Virginia Tech's kiln but something on a smaller/simpler scale to tinker with.
Time, though, is the one major factor...but it's the one thing we can't change.