We've covered a lot of ground on this post! Let me jump in and try to hit a few of the many points that have been brought up.
Replacing a VC
I retired an old 1979 VC Defiant in late Winter/early Spring and replaced it with an Oslo. Very pleased with it. Have not heated with it in really cold temps, so have to reserve judgement until I get a full year of burning in. If the OP has any questions that I could help with - please PM me.
The Review Section
The first thing I read when I joined the forum was the reviews - super helpful. A great way to get started. I will review my Oslo next January after I have some cold weather burning under my belt. I'd love to review it now, because I am really so happy with it, but it would be a partial review and therefor not that helpful.
Thru Our Own Lens
This might be sort of a summary of what Begreen and others have been discussing. One of the things that struck me as soon as I started on the forum is that we all have such different needs and different likes and dislikes! I was shocked. I've been burning wood as the sole heat source for almost 30 years in this house ... you would think I'd know something about heating with wood.

Well I learned right away that I truly was an expert on heating with wood ... in
this house, the way
I like to burn, on
my schedule for loading, and the list goes on and on. Everyone has their own needs for their lifestyle, their house, their wants - by definition there can be no perfect stove! If we all had the same heating needs, the same taste in the looks of a stove, needed to load from the same side/top/front, etc. then there could be a perfect stove!
I think if we keep in mind that our opinions and ideas (and to some extent, even our "facts") are all colored by our needs and our experiences we could be a bit less "down" on certain stoves and a bit less "up" on the stove that we are burning and that works for us. There's a part of me that wants to become an Oslo zealot! I love the stove, it works great for me, but I know it will only be the "right" stove for someone that uses it like me and has the same taste in looks - for others it would be the totally "wrong" stove.
What We Chose to Share
Sometimes Less is More! Experience with heating, running the stove, ash removal, etc should probably always be shared - that's important stuff. What you think about the looks of a stove maybe should never be shared. That is something that a new person can figure out for themselves - do they like or dislike the look of a stove??? That's not something that anyone on the forum can help them with!
Well there's my 2 cents. This is a great forum. Really the best forum I have ever been a member of. I have learned so much here - the members truly helped me to figure out that the Oslo would be a really great stove for me - I'm so grateful for that. And I've learned so much from
The Wood Shed! All of my new wood stacks are single stacks for better drying (I used to do double rows right next to each other) and I am a Cover Your Wood convert! I can see the difference in wood that I CSS
and covered early this Spring compare to wood that I didn't cover.