Thanks for the product suggestions.
I don't think I'll put a soft flexible liner in my 8" pipe if I have to. Something about putting a dryer hose up my ceiling and blasting 700 degree flue gases up it makes me uneasy, lol. Plus, how am I supposed to brush that sucker, if it's all soft and spongy? And the price for 20' was about $300 or more. But hopefully not an issue for me...hoping the 8" pipe works.
I don't think I'll put a soft flexible liner in my 8" pipe if I have to. Something about putting a dryer hose up my ceiling and blasting 700 degree flue gases up it makes me uneasy, lol. Plus, how am I supposed to brush that sucker, if it's all soft and spongy? And the price for 20' was about $300 or more. But hopefully not an issue for me...hoping the 8" pipe works.