I would like to know if someone is using a damper or heat reclaimer with a newer wood stove. I had a Harman wood stove owner (I did not sell or install the unit) call me saying she needed to replace the in the connector damper. This shocked me because I have been told under no way should you install a damper or heat reclaimer with a "newer" Harman stove. I told her this and she said the dealer that sold her the stove said she had to have a damper and installed one in her stove connector. *****THAT DEALER IS NO LONGER ALLOWED TO SELL THE HARMAN BRAND*****. I confirmed that by speaking with two Harman Tech reps in Halifax and they confirmed what I said. I further researched this through some NFI people and they also said "most" newer EPA stoves are not designed for a damper or heat reclaimer.
I am not going to call the chimney police on anyone but do want to know if there is anyone out there using a damper or reclaimer and is it working for them.
I am not going to call the chimney police on anyone but do want to know if there is anyone out there using a damper or reclaimer and is it working for them.