Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Retired Engineer(civil, mechanical, construction)
Missouri Ozarks
Wife and I have two adult sons, one old dog, and one ornery cat.
Have a stove for backup and burning down/dead trees off my small patch of rocks.
Solar fraction for my system in the works is about 6/10. Trying to figure an economical way to use wood for the other 4/10.
Thanks for this site and for sharing your knowledge.
I'm Debbie.
Mom of 5. Work as a tax collector from my basement so I can stay home for the kids.
Married 26 years to the Fire Chief. Two older boys are also firemen.

Hobbies mostly relate to the stages of yarn: wool fresh off the sheep ---> finished garment.
Also have a dog, horse, cat and 2 bunnies to teach the kids responsibility...and to play with.

Been burning our woodstove for 3 years (had a fireplace in the old homestead farm; the woodburner's
different and is how I found this site).

Another THANK YOU to all the folks that answer so many questions from folks like me.
Woo hoo !!! Score another for the ladies :)
gasavage said:
Yrs burning: 3.5 + with a catalytic, now with a non cat.

Just curious, why did you not go back to the catalytic burner?
Name: Barbara

Location: SW Indiana, along the Ohio River

Occupation: Retired secretary of large corporation

Education: Life

Age: OMG!!

Burn History: As a child in Oklahoma we had a wood stove. It was the center of activity. My dad and brothers gathered around playing music while someone made fudge or popped corn on the old stove. A fireplace while living in Upstate NY. A fireplace in SW Indiana home. And now years later an insert. I must say it's been different getting used to the insert vs a fireplace. I've only had my stove for a few weeks and I'm still learning. That's why I love this site so much. Everyone is so helpful.

Hobbies: Woodcarving (check out my Santa carved on a pencil on my profile); gardening, crafts, painting, creating unique things, baking, watching the birds, rescuing lost animals, you name it.

Family: Two grown children, two grandchildren, and two cats.


  • [Hearth.com] Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?
    71.3 KB · Views: 539
Name: Nora

Age: 59 but feel like 39

Occupation : Principal's Secretary for an elementary school in our local school district.

Location: Dutchess County NY - 7 idyllic acres.

Years Burning: 3 years current, 6 years in a previous life.

Hobbies and such: Bird-watching, fishing, sewing, gardening, cooking and canning, home renovations and improvements, entertaining.

Married 21+ years, have a 27 year old son (who we share with his father :) ), hubby cuts the wood and I help split it with our handy-dandy Cub Cadet 9-ton splitter. We have 6 cords seasoned and ready to burn and another 4-5 cords seasoning. We heat primarily with wood. Our fireplace insert is a PE Vista, which is the smaller one, but since our house is modest in size it works just fine for us. Put a pair of velour lounge pants on and some logs on the fire and I'm good to go.

Nice meeting you all.
Jags said:
Eileen - are you recruiting again? :lol:

Nope, but don't think I haven't thought about it ;-)
Name: Dan

Age: 68

Location: Sheridan, Oregon

Years burning: 2 with modern insert, does an adequate job heating 2800 ft of a 4200 ft house, decades with inefficient fireplaces. (Sure do wish I could install a stove like my buddy's standalone Quad.)

Occupation: Tree farm owner, so have lots of wood.

Hobby: Old cars, old farm equipment (which I still use)
Fishing & swimming in my 3 acre pond with the grandkids. Life is good.
Name ,Guy
From Shinglehouse,PA
I'm one of a dying breed, Factory worker
Hobbies include wood processing and burning,and being a Grampa The Grampa one is the most fun
Oh ya I'm 53
My name is martin, I live in the midwest, I've been burning things since I was a child, and I own several wood stoves.
Oh wait this isn't 12 steps.

Age 2 score and 7 You old farts didn"t even have to convert it did you?

Location Nebraska

Years burning or helping to burn 40 or there about Yeah it's kinda in my blood

Occupation Currently dredge operator, but wore many different hats

Hobbies Amateur radio, electronics, CAT fishing, gardening, computers, wood gas things, internet plus wayy too many other things. If its technical, science related, history or involves making or eating food I'm there!

Favorite adult beverage Anything but beer

Musical interests Anything but cRAP
O.K, I'll bite...

Name :
Peter-John (hence PJ ;-) )

Age : 16th, or so, ann. of my 39th

Location : South-Eastern shore of the overcrowded sand bar of NY

Occupation : General Mechanic - You F-it up - I f-u up! - then fix it up...

Years burning : As long as I can remember ( I do know that the mind is second thing to go..) I was involved in one aspect of burning or another. Kindling gather-er, go-fer, stack-er, etc. After a 4yr "break" in the service (way too f'n hot in the desert!!), I bought my own home. Too small and too poor of a layout, the stove ended up in the shop. F.F. to present day... an Castline in the in-laws attached apartment, but nothing YET in the main house (to change shortly!)

Hobbies : Besides playing around with the older saws,engines, and general mechanical devices;
here's what'll screw with everybody's mind - PINBALL!!
Yeah, I restore/rebuild/repair pinball machines from the 80's on up! Go figure!
Name: Vixster

Age: 52

Location: Nyack, NY

Years burning: Burning with HUGH Mother of a stove (Hearthstone) '92-'96 and now I feel like a newbie all over again, on my 2nd month with Shelburne.

Occupation: Computer Janitor.. I fix other peoples Mac issues. Mac ONLY!, website work.

Hobby: Gardening, being with my 18 year, hope to start traveling again. Fixing up this old house. all technology. life long learner....
Name: Bryan
Age: 64
Location; Vienna, VA
Years burning: Had a heatolator from 1981 to 2010. Installed a Jotul 550 C in Spring 2010.
Occupation: Economics professor
Hobby: Intensive gardening. I have two beds in the front yard about 5'by 25' to grow vegetables. That's where the sunshine is. I use square-foot gardening techniques. We also grow (on about 1/3 acre including the house) Asian and Bartlett pears, concord grapes, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, Asian persimmons, (way too many) figs, and hope to harvest our first pomegranates next year.
Name: Shari

Age: too young for Elvis, too old for the Beatles :)

Location: just outside the home of the Brewers; south of the Packers

Years burning: coming up on 1st anniversary of our woodstove; before that 15+yrs. burning in a fireplace; before that many years hauling firewood with my Dad to heat a picturesque country church

Occupation: had a few - now retired

Hobby: Family & keeping the home fires burning
Name: Gil

Age: Just past the 3 decade mark

Location: 1/5 of the distance from the Hartford Civic Center to Gampel Pavilion.

Years burning: For years I burned wood outside. Been burning wood inside for a week now

Occupation: Software developer at a local university

Hobby: renovating our old 80 year old home, cycling, working on cars, wood working, photography, pottery, traveling anything and everything
Age: 41
Location: Fayetteville, NC
Years burning: zero
Currently out of work, Construction Health & Safety
Hobbies: I love outdoor cooking, smoking ribs, shoulders, beef,.... discovered mesquite 2 years ago and love it too. Talk about a wood that puts off allot of heat tho
Also into computers, bible study, fishing, hunting... and am a diehard fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers

Ive ordered my first wood stove, a Drolet Sahara, and hope to have it running within two weeks.
PJF1313 said:
O.K, I'll bite...

Name :
Peter-John (hence PJ ;-) )

Age : 16th, or so, ann. of my 39th

Location : South-Eastern shore of the overcrowded sand bar of NY

Occupation : General Mechanic - You F-it up - I f-u up! - then fix it up...

Years burning : As long as I can remember ( I do know that the mind is second thing to go..) I was involved in one aspect of burning or another. Kindling gather-er, go-fer, stack-er, etc. After a 4yr "break" in the service (way too f'n hot in the desert!!), I bought my own home. Too small and too poor of a layout, the stove ended up in the shop. F.F. to present day... an Castline in the in-laws attached apartment, but nothing YET in the main house (to change shortly!)

Hobbies : Besides playing around with the older saws,engines, and general mechanical devices;
here's what'll screw with everybody's mind - PINBALL!!
Yeah, I restore/rebuild/repair pinball machines from the 80's on up! Go figure!
Hey! I have a pinball machine, but way older than what you work on. Doesn't work. :-(
Name: Some people call me Maurice

Age: 27

Location: Lynchburg, Virginia

Years burning: 1 year

Occupation: Pharmaceutical R&D
some people call me space cowboy :-)
Howdy folks.

Name's Jutt
Born and raised in SW Virginia
34 yrs old
Moved to Colorado 11 years ago..currently reside in Lakewood Colorado
I'm an engineer at a telecom company
Name: Joe
Age: 30
Location: Saint Louis, MO
Occupation: Grocery Store Assistant manager
Education: BA Webster U
Burn History: Ever since I held an unlit match on a piece of metal that my Dad just welded and it burst in to flames, I've loved fire. Now, burning in my insert for 2 months.
Hobbies: Disc golf, concrete tables, glass etching, fiberglass, restomodding an 84 VW rabbit, scrounging, bucking, cutting and stacking wood.
Family: Wife, 4yo daughter, 1.5 yo son

Love the site!
This is for Frank....Londonderry.... My son is taking Mechanical Engineering how hard is it to get a decent job in that field? He graduates in May of this year. Has had a hard time finding an internship. Just wondering if finding a job is going to be as difficult. I don't believe he will be very lucky in locating one in the Central New York area. Thanks
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