Minister of Fire
Sure, I'll go back there and ask her to elaborate on firebox size...she is the wife of the owner, it is her store...I seriously doubt she's passing on mis-information...but we all need to be humble and allow fact-checking IMOBut there is nothing of the sort in the rules.
While I get that efficiency requirements may effectively rule out certain stoves, I believe that is not necessarily the case for stoves of a larger size - see the US tax credit requirements; same 75% HHV efficiency.
And bigger stoves do meet this.
US EPA requirements are about emissions, just like ecodesign 202x. And this makes perfect sensefor a regulation aimed at cleaning up the air. Firebox size has nothing to do with that in first order.
I suggest the lady might have been ill informed.
I'm pretty sure the reload instructions for all EcoDesign2022 woodburning appliances that allow wood logs for fuel are the same: only 2 splits per reload on a bed of coals; those 2 splits not touching each other nor touching the inside of the firebox. Jamming a firebox completely full of fuel is not what the gov't wants the sims doing.
I break that rule plenty.
"making sense" and gov't regulations are not always aligned IME