Water pressure was actually one of the better ideas among the alternative solutions listed, but...
In terms of the compactor, I haven't actually looked it up, (I need to do so) but I know that at least some brands are designed using a scissors lift type mechanism - the motor drives a gear on the scissor lift shaft to extend and retract it, which seems pretty stable as a starting point. I haven't pulled it apart to see what there is for guides, but the ram goes into a bucket that is about 10" x 14", which is a pretty wide seeming stance, though the side load issue is something that I might need to give more consideration to...
For what it's worth, the unit is a Kitchen Aid by Hobart , I think model #KCS 100C, but I'm not certain... Looking at apparent date codes on the paperwork, manufacture date is probably 1979, which is consistent with when the house was built.
In terms of the compactor, I haven't actually looked it up, (I need to do so) but I know that at least some brands are designed using a scissors lift type mechanism - the motor drives a gear on the scissor lift shaft to extend and retract it, which seems pretty stable as a starting point. I haven't pulled it apart to see what there is for guides, but the ram goes into a bucket that is about 10" x 14", which is a pretty wide seeming stance, though the side load issue is something that I might need to give more consideration to...
For what it's worth, the unit is a Kitchen Aid by Hobart , I think model #KCS 100C, but I'm not certain... Looking at apparent date codes on the paperwork, manufacture date is probably 1979, which is consistent with when the house was built.