I was away from home for 5 days attending to family business. My pet sitter, who is probably a whole 5' tall and 90 pounds, is wonderful in taking care of feeding the pets and the pellets stoves. This time, my mini split would take care of heating until Monday evening, when the temps were supposed to drop drastically. And I told her that once she turned off the minisplit, to top off the hopper each visit (she comes by twice per day)
I cleaned both pellet stoves well before I left to make sure there weren't any issues. Of course, I can't control for human error.
I saw this when I got home very late Tuesday night.
Well, that isn't cool. I was burning some softies, which I had been burning for a week or more previous to when I left, and it would take days to deposit a thin layer of light brown ash. That deposit was totally black and unusual. I noted to myself that I would need to clean the glass as soon as I could shut down the stove, which wasn't happening at negative numbers. The pet sitter had left a partial bag of pellets on the step stool, so I went to look at if there was room in the hopper to add them.
The hopper door is very tight on the P43 (I don't know if @Don2222 remembers it) - unlike the P61a, it does not have a latch, it is entirely compression fit. Except, this time it wasn't. It was just resting in the down position. Well, I was 99% certain my questions had been solved with that one little discovery.
Thursday I cleaned the glass, and haven't had the black, thick soot/ash show back up (following picture is from this morning).
I did point out the issue with the pet sitter, for her awareness. I'm sure after topping up the hopper, she let the lid drop, stepped off the stool and put the partial bag of pellets down - forgetting to finish by pressing firmly down on the lid for a tight seal.
I cleaned both pellet stoves well before I left to make sure there weren't any issues. Of course, I can't control for human error.
I saw this when I got home very late Tuesday night.
Well, that isn't cool. I was burning some softies, which I had been burning for a week or more previous to when I left, and it would take days to deposit a thin layer of light brown ash. That deposit was totally black and unusual. I noted to myself that I would need to clean the glass as soon as I could shut down the stove, which wasn't happening at negative numbers. The pet sitter had left a partial bag of pellets on the step stool, so I went to look at if there was room in the hopper to add them.
The hopper door is very tight on the P43 (I don't know if @Don2222 remembers it) - unlike the P61a, it does not have a latch, it is entirely compression fit. Except, this time it wasn't. It was just resting in the down position. Well, I was 99% certain my questions had been solved with that one little discovery.
Thursday I cleaned the glass, and haven't had the black, thick soot/ash show back up (following picture is from this morning).
I did point out the issue with the pet sitter, for her awareness. I'm sure after topping up the hopper, she let the lid drop, stepped off the stool and put the partial bag of pellets down - forgetting to finish by pressing firmly down on the lid for a tight seal.