With a reverse indirect, reserve DHW capacity is in the buffer tank, not the coil. With an Ergomax E23/E24 you have up to a 26 gallon head start, with the E44/E45 it's 48 gallons.About the reverse indirect DHW capacity, they mean that with a smaller volume of domestic water in the coil it might deplete faster without a much higher temperature system water. A faster recovery with a bigger boiler might compensate but supposedly this 60k is on the small side?
If the Ergomax size is insufficient you can plumb the backup boiler to heat some portion of your main storage instead of going directly to the reverse indirect, and let the backup boiler get ahead of potential DHW shortages that way.
Also if the Ergomax seems costly, you can look at installing a 'tankless coil' in the top of main storage and doing away with a separate water heater.