Well, it's an unusual year, following a somewhat less brutal but also unusual year. I sure hope we don't have another one of these any time soon, but the Weather Gods do what they do when they feel like it. We haven't had all that much snow, just the cold, and only for a bit over a month, though it seems more like years right now. The cold here in winter is generally very dry, so single digits don't feel as cold when you're out in them as the much warmer winter temperatures do where i used to live outside Boston, with its humid winter winds. So really, the only problem is interior heating, which a bigger stove and/or a better insulated place than mine would take care of even in these temperatures.
I'm way out in the country about 50 mi SW of Burlington and don't get up there very often, but it sure seems like a thriving, vibrant, very enjoyable small city to live in or near. Ideally, one would live in the nearby countryside and work in town and have the best of both worlds.
This is just a wonderful state to live in on so many different levels, not least being the utter magnificence of spring when it finally bursts out, an almost overwhelming gift after such a long winter. In the meantime, I just ordered another box of SuperCedars...