I installed a new Ventis HIE240 this summer and am pretty pleased with it except the blower which is connected to a thermostat seems to be in a place that it almost takes an act of God to get it to come on. I have to have the stove red hot then the blower will come on for a few seconds, cut off, come on, cut off, it almost never turns on for any amount of time worth talking about. When I pulled the blower out I can tell its just not in an area that get much direct heat on the thermostat 'button' So, is it worth moving to an area that is hotter so it comes on more predictably? do you think having a blower makes a huge difference in an inset fireplace heaters ability to move heat around the house? I have two heat activated fans on the top that run almost continuously but I always wonder about the savings with the heat adding to the house vs the cost of running the blower. Thoughts?