Anyone ever deal with and/or have thoughts on "US Stove Company" stoves (2015 model and/or 2500 model).
My friend is thinking of heating with wood and started asking me about a stove that seems similar to my 30-NC. The house has big cathedral-like ceilings. I suggested a big stove and the strategic use of ceiling fans.
FWIW, I wanted to thank all of those that helped me last year with my purchase of the Englander stove. This forum was a priceless tool into my journey of heating with wood. I was leaning towards much more expensive models, but settled with it in the end. I'm glad I did as it works well for my situation. Installed a second damper in the pipe as some here suggested. I believe that to be a huge help with burn times and the crazy winds out here. I LOVE that I can pack the box with wood.... esp big solid logs after I got some good coals.
So....... again... Any US Stove Co reviews for the 2500 and/or 2015 model? (broken link removed to http://www.usstove.com/proddetail.php?prod=2500)
How does it stack up against the NC-30 (I see the Englander is 125 pounds heavier)? http://www.englandsstoveworks.com/30-nc.html
Thanks again!
Anyone ever deal with and/or have thoughts on "US Stove Company" stoves (2015 model and/or 2500 model).
My friend is thinking of heating with wood and started asking me about a stove that seems similar to my 30-NC. The house has big cathedral-like ceilings. I suggested a big stove and the strategic use of ceiling fans.
FWIW, I wanted to thank all of those that helped me last year with my purchase of the Englander stove. This forum was a priceless tool into my journey of heating with wood. I was leaning towards much more expensive models, but settled with it in the end. I'm glad I did as it works well for my situation. Installed a second damper in the pipe as some here suggested. I believe that to be a huge help with burn times and the crazy winds out here. I LOVE that I can pack the box with wood.... esp big solid logs after I got some good coals.
So....... again... Any US Stove Co reviews for the 2500 and/or 2015 model? (broken link removed to http://www.usstove.com/proddetail.php?prod=2500)
How does it stack up against the NC-30 (I see the Englander is 125 pounds heavier)? http://www.englandsstoveworks.com/30-nc.html
Thanks again!