So some of you may know, around 2 years ago I got a polar G2+, I installed it into my existing setup with the 1500 gallon unpressurized storage. I have run the boiler through the last couple months of the first winter, all that summer, and the next winter, plus this summer, totally happy with its performance1 it knocked wood use about 1/3-1/2 from the econoburn even, now starting last saturday, I went in and insulated my attic, long overdue, went from maybe 3 inches in there to 18 inches blown in, so far this week has been awesome, night before last we dropped to 17F I burned a 1/2 firebox of wood from 6:30ish tuesday night until 6:45 wednesday morning, we had 30+ mph winds for a fair bit of that time. Last night I loaded up at 7:30 filled the box, we got down to 25F, no wind, I used 0 wood, boiler never fired overnight, when I left at 6:45 this morning storage was still 4F away from calling for heat and firing the boiler. I am super impressed, this setup is so simple and the wood use is awesome, I have to get a check valve into my DHW supply line yet as it is thermosiphoning up the cold line for DW a good bit, just haven't had a chance yet as I only recently found that out. Feel free to ask away or bash either is fair