Yes, the plans are a work in progress, but overall concept will be staying more or less the same. The plans we have now were done by a family member who does commercial architecture. We were working with him on some preliminary layouts, and we just brought on a local architect to move forward with. The red markups are suggestions I got on a home design forum in response to posting the current plans. We'll be keeping most of the red markup ideas, including the pantry location, which means deleting that strip of counter.
I'll ask our architect about code for the bedroom fireplace, hadn't thought about that.
I know a couple folks here have said they do TV over fireplace without issue, and I understand that it's fine from a technical standpoint, where heat shield + mantle + TV at the proper height = no roasted TV. But I've measured it out in our current house, and even a ~55" mounting height is too high for me. Maybe if it were a second TV/lounge room it would be ok, but for a primary TV area, the height would drive me nuts.
I was initially posting just to confirm I was getting that mounting height correct.
Another change we'll be making is going to a 4 panel double sliding door in the center of the deck wall, instead of the 2 panel sliders on either side of the house. There will be windows where the 2 panel sliders are currently shown. Door details aside, fireplace on the deck wall is out of the question, it would break up the water views, and would impede on usable deck space.
The other possible area would be in the dining space, on the left wall, which would be fine for heat, but not great for lounging in front of it, since the dining table will be there.
I'll ask our architect about code for the bedroom fireplace, hadn't thought about that.
I know a couple folks here have said they do TV over fireplace without issue, and I understand that it's fine from a technical standpoint, where heat shield + mantle + TV at the proper height = no roasted TV. But I've measured it out in our current house, and even a ~55" mounting height is too high for me. Maybe if it were a second TV/lounge room it would be ok, but for a primary TV area, the height would drive me nuts.
I was initially posting just to confirm I was getting that mounting height correct.
Another change we'll be making is going to a 4 panel double sliding door in the center of the deck wall, instead of the 2 panel sliders on either side of the house. There will be windows where the 2 panel sliders are currently shown. Door details aside, fireplace on the deck wall is out of the question, it would break up the water views, and would impede on usable deck space.
The other possible area would be in the dining space, on the left wall, which would be fine for heat, but not great for lounging in front of it, since the dining table will be there.