I tried fans of all sizes blowing every which way but my best results came from shutting them off and letting the stove do it on its own.
I was previously convinced it worked too but I could just not make it happen with fans. I even thought it was working once but I confused mid day sun warming with a minor fan success. The next day the adjacent room raised the same 3 degrees without the fan.
I just never had any success in my case and thought it might be helpful information to someone else trying to do the same and not getting the results they wanted. Side car made a good point, If you can move the air slowly enough to not cool it, by all means this should work and sounds like it does for him. All the fans did nothing for me, just too much velocity even on low.
For those that like their fans and get the results they want, by all means use them. I just know all my experimenting was checked with k type thermocouple thermometers so I know the info is good in my case at least, and it is offered as constructive information for anyone who can use it to help explain what might be going on in their situation.
It's my theory that air that is only 10 degrees hotter than the air in the next room is easily subject to temperature equalization when going through the blowing process. Same reason your oil or gas burning Hvac unit waits for the temperature to raise up to 150 degrees ( 70 above room target ) in the exchanger before the fans come on, otherwise the cooling effect and duct losses out weigh the benefits to that point.
In the end my house is comfortable now, it was not early on and fans were not the answer for my situation other that as previously said to make the stove room more comfortable. Reading here on the site at the time, it was full of blow air here and blow air there at the time and it was all misleading and wrong, so some fact based contrast is healthy in my opinion. I wasted my money buying a couple of specialized fans based on what I thought and read and assumed good information that turned out not to be so great. I give one away and put the other up for a summer attempt at moving cool air.
Otherwise If you got something that is working with fans and you are willing to state it as tested fact, then take the hour or two it takes to type it up like I did and share it. I'd really like to hear it. Otherwise your one liner comments are unsubstantiated drivel compared to what i offered up. There is a constant flow of new people here and presenting bad information is just wrong. I say If your an old pro then share the knowledge and lets make it searchable or move on and let us new guys re-invent the wheel every season.