K MAN said:
Thanks Imacman, have an englander 25pdvc , can't say enough good things about it. Had looked at the Dell point about 10 years ago, but the price was up there.
You're probably right about just picking up the pellets now,but was hoping to leave them in their yard rather then mine for the 6 extra weeks.(only a small shed here and no garage). Also hoping to pick up the lignetics again as i didn't think they burned as hot. Heating only a 1200 sq ft cape counting both floors, so the pellets that aren't as hot , allow me to not have to turn the stove on /off as much.
IMO, I'd get the better pellets now, and store them in your yard w/ a good tarp over them....it can't be any worse than TSC having them sitting outdoors in the weather UNCOVERED, as I'm sure they are.
As for the Lignetics, last years batch wasn't too good, so don't buy them at any kind of premium price until burning season starts and we get results for this years batch....hopefully they improved them, but you never know.
As for as the lower heat, why can't you just turn the feed rate down to low on the stove??