No mystery there; Black Locust, 100%. If I cut some that's dead on the ground, it will be brown....but the MC will be <18%. Those splits have been cut a while, and they will turn brown then, too. OP's description of the stringy stuff under the bark is right on. Only thing he didn't mention was the stench when you pull the bark off, as Ralphie said. Classic BL..
I've got quite a bit stacked in a double row last summer, split fairly big. Some were dead but others were somewhat fresh. Bark was loose on most of mine, and I pulled what I could. Maybe that'll help. From what you guys are saying though, I'll be letting it sit a couple more years. I'll just keep hammering on the Ash, Cherry and soft Maple. I
do have about a cord of BL that has been stacked a year. Gotta be good next winter...
gotta be!
I have a buttload of wood stacked, but can't burn any of it for years!
Did I mention that fab's wood is Black Locust?