all the losses involved in generating and transmitting electricity will only be compounded by an air car, making it an inefficient use of electricity for transportation.
Interesting but nearly irrelevant. Your point would make much more sense if it was directed at other extremely inefficient uses of electricity, the incandescent light bulb, for example, which has losses of 90% to heat, only about 10% for light, and certain elements of the public heatedly argue to preserve this albatross against any effort to conserve electricity by switching to more efficient lighting. Similarly, the gas guzzling motor vehicle with 18 mpg or less and a single person being transported vs a 36 mpg+ vehicle transporting 4 persons and 8 times or more the efficiency. And the list goes on.
I know that I'm not going to sway your opinion, just like the horse and buggy advocate could not be swayed by the early gasoline engine or electric motor vehicles. And I will let the science, engineering and the market work it out for the air vehicle without dismissing it as a hair brained idea from the get go. Also makes me think of the demise of the Swiss watch, the typewriter, the dial phone, the vacuum tube, two cans with a string stretched between them, and ....
Let innovators and inventers do their work. Probably for every real good idea there are 1000 or maybe 100,000 ideas that don't work out. I would let the 1000 or 100,000 give it their best, because somewhere in there may be a paradigm changing revolution in thinking, in a product, or in a technology, and I would hate to throw that out with the bathwater.