Minister of Fire
I have no doubt the coals are black. I think you're trying to re-write the laws of physics saying the wood is OUT.. Then starts again only using air and heat. Gotta have a spark there. The spark is in the wood! you just can't see the coals still going.. IDLING!It's not just the refractory that needs to be hot but the coals themselves as well.
I'm not a physicist but I'm sure the coals have to have a lot of potential energy too.
All I know is the the fire is definitely extinguished and the coals are black. And then there is a fire.
I guess the wood gun has little fire gremlins that live inside the firebox. AHS never marketed those guys! ;-)

Now.. your wood gun may be OFF, more than my vigas sitting in MAX mode... and occasionally turning the fan on to KEEP the coals alive.
Why do you think firefighters douse the hell out of a fire site? There's all kinds of coals buried in the fire that could relight with a little air and time. I get that the wood gun cuts off the air.. but I don't think wood fires have an on/off switch.

I'm sure it's a good boiler. I chose a different one. I think we'll both be warm this winter.