Un-insulated stone house with various additions totaling 6660 sq.ft., with lots of original windows and doors built in 1773, heated primarily by oil fired boiler.
Wow. I wouldn't even think of trying to heat that place to 70's by wood alone. I think back when it was built, it was probably heated to the point of 'we won't get frostbite if we stand by the fire' not running around in a t-shirt throughout.

My house is old, drafty, half uninsulated, and too large (by my standards, not yours!) and I burn 2 stoves in it and can't keep it even above 60ºF average on a cold and windy day (like we had most of last week). 1900 home about 2400 sqft or so of living space I think. Even the room my pellet stove is in, 10 feet directly across from the stove I've read wall temps in the 40's and 50's last week. I could stand within arms reach of the stove (beside it), which was set on 9 and about 800 degrees, and be chilled with a cold breeze heading towards the stove.
I just deal with it, wear a flannel shirt, sit in front of the stove to warm up when I can. The cold doesn't bother me much except when sleeping. I'll spend most of the day outside anyhow. Have had an empty propane tank since last winter, though I do occasionally use electric space heaters.
Have you ever thought about shutting most of that 6660sqft down for the winter? I couldn't imagine heating that much home unless I had the entire extended family living there or something. Judging by how much heat my place leaks on a 0º or less day, I'd say it would take 5-6 of my stoves to heat your place!