"The furnace works" wood boiler

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You should have stuck with the one thread.

I suspect changing it will not help. You have been given some answers already (and seeming to be brushing over or ignoring them) - but the help you could get here is limited by the lack of details presented. Pictures would help to start - along with more data. Stack temps? Temps in & out of both boilers? Wood moisture content? Exact type of underground piping? What are you pumping with? Controls? Insulation?

But with the boiler you have, you are behind an 8-ball to start with.
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Does the way I hooked it up look ok or would changing it help?

I would not change anything until you have been burning dry wood and see the difference in performance!
A simple moisture meter would be a good investment!

(broken link removed to http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Accurate-LCD-Digital-Moisture-Meter-Humidity-Tester-for-Wood-Concrete-ST8040-/291122371603?pt=US_Garden_Tools&hash=item43c83edc13)
The "SFB-3" was a interesting boiler. Rated at 120,000 BTU,S per hour with a small water capacity meant burning "DRY WOOD" so it could not achieve this output, just the slightest hint of moisture and output was really bad . Also to be able to meet loads on demand the fire box has to keep at least half full of wood.Every so often you will have to take a chisel and clean the area were the draft butterfly closes of creosote ,creosote will build on this surface and prevent the butterfly from closing resulting in an over-fire, and the pressure relief valve dumping a whole bunch of water and ending up with a bunch of air in your single zone .
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I ordered a moisture meter from eBay today. Got a temp gauge for the stove pipe.
Thanks everyone for your input.
Anyone using a "The furnace works" wood boiler? I just bought one and I am going to hook it up to my oil boiler. looking for some feed back on how good this unit works.

I've been looking for a FWB for a while, I have a 1K SF house and want to use one to take the edge off my fuel bills.
From what I have read your house is too big for the size of boiler.
If it don't work out let me know.

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