didnt say trying to sum it all up was a bad thing. I just dont know how possible it is
That's a lot to sum up and as you said, added variable is what is important to each person...I want something that is as simple as possible.
Yeah, makes more sense to just post your questions about your specific situation, instead of having everyone post their own experiences in
their situations, then throw out 90% of it because it doesn't apply to you..
So I'm trying to decide if I should fix the E260 or buy a BK Princess insert....can you give my your opinion how the E260 would compare to a BK Princess or other options
OK, we are finally getting down to brass tacks.

In your situation, I would try to fit a free-stander on that hearth somehow. That will get more heat out of the stove and into the house, as opposed to an insert. I don't like blower noise either. Even my desktop fans and the fridge are a little loud for my liking, though they are pretty quiet. I like sitting in relative quiet with only the sound of ringing in my ears.

Some blowers are pretty quiet, though. I'm thinking that many options would work for you, as I'll try to detail next..
If you want your home warm and your stove still humming along when you get back from work then you want the bk. My temperatures are the same and I only reload once per day. Our climate is where the bk shines.
Any stove should work great in there, with the lowest temps outside being 50 day/30 night. I'm only loading every 12 hrs. with my little 1.5 sq.ft. box in my somewhat leaky and un-insulated house, and the high today is freezing, with a breeze. Temps in here have stayed within a couple degrees. Even if my stove goes out, house temps change very slowly when it's not cold out, so no need for a thermostat on the stove, a constant low burn, and the rest of that BK stuff you like to trot out. Now, granted, my stone stove may flatten out the temp change curve a little more than a plain steel box..
It looks from his other thread that some remodeling was done, maybe insulation and air-sealing were improved (but maybe not in the balmy Central Valley.) At any rate, the stove looks to be centrally-located. I think one of the longer-burning secondary stoves would do the job. Something in an E-W configuration to fit on the hearth. Maybe a Quadra-Fire Explorer...jacketed stove, welded steel box, rear-venting to take advantage of the fireplace. And as
@Knots says (and begreen,) there's a lot to be said for the KISS principle...no cat to mess with, etc.
Now, all that said, the OP has been here a month, and is now hanging around the BK thread being indoctrinated. He's chomping at the bit..winter (if he really even has any) is almost over. He's itching to pull the trigger, we've all been there. Researching endless threads and learning a bunch of stuff about stoves..who's got time for
that? Look at that huge BK thread..
everyone must have one! And they cost more money, there's
gotta be a reason why!

C'mon..try the Koolaid..just a little taste..it's grape!