Flatbedford said:I'd love to figure out how to do it. I work in the New York City and live in the suburbs. I would give up a lot to never have to set foot in NYC again and live in the country. I just have to get the whole family on board with me. My wife and I both want it, we just have to decide how badly we want it.
I think this is the jist of the problem for most of us. When I and the wife made that decision, it took us a couple of years to get all the duckies in a row. Then we made the plunge, and so far, it's going pretty well. I sometimes miss being able to go to the store 5 miles away, but it used to take us 20-25 minutes to do that in the city. Here, it's 35 mile ride, yet only takes about 30-35 minutes and the ride is through the country. Yeah, that's better.
Elec. use is down to about 400 kwh/month (and is less in the summer), nat. gas is down to about 25/month, vehicle use is way down. Gas use is due to the firewood thing, but still overall less. I'm outside a LOT more. It's a real lifestyle change, and we wouldn't go back if you payed us to.
We've got 8.5 acres, and just purchased (last year) about 2.5-3 more across the road from us at a tax sale (VERY cheap).
We'd actually like to be farther out with more land, but we're fine right here unless someone drops a crapload of money on us.
My brother and I talk about this, and we both have friends who talk about doing it, but just can't let go of all their stuff, ....with the attending bills. I say good riddance.
Plan for it, then stick to the plan. It may just come to fruition.