I have a relative who lives on Cape Cod all his life. He's a commercial fisherman, for the past 30+ years. Has his own boat. I've been there visiting many times and have stayed there for at least a month total. It was one of the few places where I went on vacation, that I would not mind staying and living there. The summer tourist season is very crowded, but the off season is heaven to me.
I am sure I know your relative since I am also a commercial fisherman with my own boat, hand have fished here since 1978. There are very few fisherman on Cape Cod that I don't know.
I was born here.
It's a very SMALL place. I can drive from the bay side to ocean side in 5 minutes or less. There's not a lot of trees on Cape Cod that you are allowed to cut, everything is state park or national park or privately owned or posted. If you heat with wood, you'd need 10-12 acres minimum to replenish what you'd burn each year. Not many own 10 acres on Cape Cod, it's a high cost living area. You have been or will be buying wood, period. Whatever it costs here, double it there, as most supplies must be trucked in over the canal from the mainland. It's already $220/cord here. You will be paying $350-$400 a cord there. If not now, then soon. Or more. I've seen posts on the net where they were paying $375/cord in New England for wood, and the posts were 5 years old.
There is only one town where this is close to true, Wellfleet, but even there it takes much longer than five minutes. This can easily be proven from anywhere in the country by a google maps search. Exaggerations of this type do not help your credibility at all. Not that you have much left at this point anyway. Furthermore, I live in Yarmouth, but at the western end the Cape is much wider. It takes me an hour to drive to Falmouth. You are also incorrect about the National Seashore, it is entirely located on the Lower Cape. Chatham - Provincetown, the smallest segment of Cape Cod.
Wood is now $750/cord in California. See this is what happens when a central bank does QE for 5 years, it causes rampant inflation and distortions in the economy. One can easily go through 2 cords of wood in a month. Where's the savings ?
Another vast exaggeration. I burn 3 cord in an average winter, and at $4.00/ gal I would still save money, EVEN paying $750, but that is simply not the case here. The tree guy I do welding for sells oak for $250- $300 depending upon the time of years. He has hundreds of unsold cords in his yard.
More than once, I have gotten an entire years worth of wood from one yard where someone wants trees removed, during a single weekend. The only wood I ever bought was a cord of stove length green oak, delivered for $100. Since I returned to heating exclusively with wood in 2007 I have saved untold thousands of dollars. I am self-employed, firewood (my own) is a tax free part time job for me. I am just as opposed, if not moreso, to quantitative easing, but supply and demand drives prices, so, wrong again. Nice try though. You are quickly exposing your true purpose here.
In the meantime, natural gas can heat your home for $250/month including the hot water, with no mess or wood to split, stack, no ashes, etc. The decision is obvious. It's an IQ test. At these prices wood burning is finished, unless the wood is free. To get free wood, you usually have to own the land. But then it's not really free, is it. Because then you have to pay the PROPERTY TAXES to keep the land.
see they have every angle covered.
Ah, the true nature of your purpose here. By the end of this thread, you admit you burn no wood. In addition, you would use violent means to preserve "your" wood. (sorry but we belong to the land, it does not belong to us)
In this one statement you denigrate every single member of this forum. We all fail your IQ test because we burn wood. You are a paid corporate shill for fossil fuels, plain and simple. You are not the first one I have found here and exposed. Feel free to fall on your sword as the others chose to do.
Regardless, your opinion is meaningless, since you espouse the use of incredibly destructive heat sources (coal and Hyro-fracked gas) over benign and carbon neutral wood. Additionally, you do so in an argumentative and disrespectful manner.
The forum moderator already pointed out that the law disagrees with your premise, yet you continue unabated.
I have access to free standing timber. Over 50 acres of it, we own the land. I can cut all I want. yet I don't use it. It would cost me equal or more than coal, once the up front support fuel costs are added in, and I'd have to do all the work. Then there's the time spent. Who works for free anymore ? Even a minimum wage job at McDonald's pays 7.50/hour. All the time spent getting the firewood, is for zero pay, and burning gasoline in the truck and chainsaw at 3.50/gallon. Then new chains, bar oil, tires on the truck. For what it costs for a decent chainsaw, I can heat my house for 2 years with coal.
Again a lie. The most expensive chainsaw I ever bought was $80. I have cut dozens of cords of wood with it. After paying taxes on minimum wage, I can make far more money cutting my own firewood, tax free. Another bold faced lie. Please stop, at this point you are embarrassing yourself with your ignorant and untrue statements. Even those who choose to go the all new route find payback in less than 2 years.
alternate heating is slowly becoming- unaffordable !
Then why are you here?
the Tempwood stoves would never pass the new for 2014 emission tests for particulates. it takes a cat or secondary burn chamber to pass those tests. if it did pass, it would be on the EPA list of legal stoves to buy- it's not on the list. so that is just an incorrect statement, please see my previous post and read the EPA link. there are no Tempwoods legal from an EPA standpoint.
Again, read Brother Barts post. The EPA regulates large makers, not small, and they are UL listed, meaning you can safely use them in your house without worry of your insurance company denying benefits. You are wrong on all levels, yet you persist. Why?
I think of wood heating as a last ditch heating method for SHTF scenario- when the strip mines close, and there is no coal. By then I'll have to protect the standing timber with a firearm so no one else takes it. I do have a few wood stoves. There's one in my parent's house hooked up that hasn't been burned since 1997.
Then why are you posting here? You are opposed to wood heat, think it is impractical, that those who choose it are stupid, and support extremely destructive fossil fuel use. Did you even read the rules when you joined?
I assume you will be decent enough now to simply stop posting here, but if that is not the case, hopefully one of our good moderators will simply ban you because you simply do not belong here.