woodconvert said:Well, one out I have is that my wife works at home so I can have real live dialer downer
I don't see where the savings comes in. Currently, with my wood burner, we get the house toasty warm and then dampen it down and the house stays warm the rest of the day. I assume the coal stove would do the same thing. Is this not correct?.
Nope. There's no way you can manually dial down a natural draft stove as low as you can with a stoker. As posted above, you can dial down a stoker to 5K output... that's not going to happen with a natural draft stove, the fire will go out. You can get it low, but probably 20K low. The flip side of all this is, how often do you really need to go that low... probably not too much, spring and fall maybe. Either way, you're making a good decision. Go speak with your dealer, spend a few hours there, see what they have, and just keep talking to the guy.
-- Mike