Swamp mucking for ash...

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Otherwise I'd be sitting around twiddling my thumbs on craigslist. I can't let more good wood rot away in my backyard!

Does the smaller stuff look like Sweet Gum to you guys? It seems to match the other signs. Average btu's anyway.
I know where you are coming from. It's easy for me to say that cause I have it made with easy wood at my disposal. You got to do what ever it takes.
I finally finished moving, splitting and stacking all this ash about 1mo ago. I let everything dry up a bit. It is about 2/3 cord: about 30 rounds ~18"x18". Two rows about 4x8. It was definitely a workout but it was very nice to split once I got it all to the woodpile! Some was as dry as 20% during the initial split. I didn't crib stack it because it seemed dry enough and don't have much space.

Not sure I will be going back there much anymore but I'm at least somewhat on track for this year and if I can find space I can start saving for 2019.

Here is my current stash, about 2 cord all top covered; 1/4 cord in shed not pictured:
From left to right: 1/3c Norway Maple, 2/3c Green Ash (two rows), 1/6c Red Maple, 2/3c White/Chestnut Oak, 1/6c Beech

Each 4ft crib stack is about 1/24 cord.


  • [Hearth.com] Swamp mucking for ash...
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This thread has made me realize how fortunate I have been to obtain wood in the way I do . . . I'm not sure I would still burn wood if I had to go through all of the above trials and tribulations.
I'm the same way the poster is. If it falls and its on my property,,,it's getting turned into firewood come hell or high water.

Not logical. Some things aren't. It's easier for the voices in my head if I just let them win a few rounds. :)
Do you have a larger tractor available to you VCS? I'd be inclined to cut the stump and then drag it out causing all kinds of hate and discontent, until I got to dry ground.
Do you have a larger tractor available to you VCS? I'd be inclined to cut the stump and then drag it out causing all kinds of hate and discontent, until I got to dry ground.

Nope, no tractor of any kind. Just my Tacoma. I was kind of thinking about getting a very long rope and hooking it on my hitch at the driveway to pull some of this wood out. Not sure how that would work out.

I did wait for it to mostly dry up, it was much easier. The ground was just a little muddy when I got about 30 of the rounds. There must be at least a few cords of downed wood back there still. There is also a really nice, perfectly straight (but live) 24"x 50' chestnut oak that I'm hoping has a little tumble sometime :). I might go back there again if that one comes down...

I also need to sort out how to burn all of this nice wood...
Great, use your Tacoma to pull it, and and any others out of the swamp. Cutting on dry ground is a luxury,